#include <jni.h> jstring Java_com_my_library_Util_message(JNIEnv * env, jobject this, jstring msg) { return msg; }
The convention here is that
- jstring
- This is a String in java.
- Java_
- just a prefix but required to be there.
- com_my_library_
- is the package name (e.g.
- Util_
- the class
- message
- the method
Always add the first 2 parameters (JNIEnv * env, jobject this), the 3rd parameter which is "jstring msg" is the String parameter that will be in our java class, you can see it later.
Also create the file, and paste the following.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := thelib
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := sample.c
This is our class. In android studio you can create a module with the same package name and class just like below.
package; class Util { static { System.loadLibrary("thelib"); } public native static String message(String message); }
Now remember the structure of our directory here is.
- jni-folder
Just like that. You can place your root-folder anywhere, just remember where you put it. Save the & sample.c inside the jni-folder, and you're ready to go.
Now we will download the NDK in here (NDK), extract it to anywhere you like, and make the ndk-build global, to be able to access it anywhere in your directory. If you're lazy enough to not make it global, you can call it in the terminal by its path.
Now navigate to the root-folder using terminal, then execute "ndk-build" without the double-quotes (or you can call it from its path /path/of/the/ndk/folder/ndk-build, you have to execute this inside root-folder). If successful, your .so is available in the root-folder/libs/armeabi/ Notice the name, Where we declare only the "thelib" in That's how .so are made, but we will only call the "thelib" name of the .so in our java class.
- jni
| |
| -
| - sample.c
- libs
| |
| - armeabi
| |
| -
- obj
Copy the to your project, in android studio add it to your /src/main/jniLibs/armeabi/, and call it anywhere in your project, like,
Util.message("This is a redirect message to JNI");